The Dance

Life is a swirling dance of sorrow and joy, suffering and grace. And in the middle of the waltz, brief moments where the music stops. And for those few minutes, rest. I know He's twirling this achingly beautiful symphony into something breathtaking. Somehow. Someday. Yet, I'm grateful for brief moments to catch my breath. To … Continue reading The Dance

Bitter Roots

When my neighbour got too old to garden, the nettle moved in. It came in from the alley, under the fence. It spread through rhizomes -- rootstalks that crept unseen beneath the soil. The rhizomes sprung tall and dense patches of weeds. My neighbour's beautiful gardens, the ones that brought her so much joy, were … Continue reading Bitter Roots

Dear homeschool mom who is just starting out…

To the mom who is just starting out… And to myself. You’re excited about homeschooling. And completely terrified. Breathe. God has entrusted your children to you. Not to anyone else. To you. He knew they needed you. You need them too. You are uniquely equipped to be their mom—to love them, to walk alongside them, … Continue reading Dear homeschool mom who is just starting out…

Restore Unto Me: When Grace and Brokenness Meet

Fat drops of rain splash on the weathered wood of the deck outside the back window. They mingle with melting snow, washing away the thick layer of winter grime. It’s the January thaw—a brief intermission before the cold and snow return in earnest. Even inside where warm lamplight pushes the mid-morning dreariness away, the damp … Continue reading Restore Unto Me: When Grace and Brokenness Meet

When Love Needs Truth

We live in a society in which the global church is increasingly adopting “progressive Christianity”. Here’s the thing. Progressive thinking becomes regressive thinking when we become so focused on promoting love that we forget truth.

According to the Bible, love needs truth in order to be effective. It’s the truth that sets us free.

The church might throw out a lifeline of love but if love is not anchored by truth then we are all just hopelessly drifting.

If that doesn’t break your heart, nothing will.